Cunning Plan Launches New Destination Brand And Website For Warrington
Manchester agency Cunning Plan has revealed an exciting new vision for Warrington with the launch of a new destination brand and website.

The Warrington BID tasked Cunning Plan with creating a destination brand that would give Warrington an identity and help to change perceptions of one of the North West’s largest towns. The brand and website promote the events, retail, food and drink offering in the town centre as part of its commitment to market Warrington as a destination, driving more customers and visitors into the town.
Warrington is Happening was developed by the Altrincham-based team following extensive research, which included speaking to over 2,000 local residents and workers as well as BID levy payers and stakeholders in the Council, arts and business to discover what Warrington wanted to be known for and its unique selling points.
“Warrington is Happening is a confident, colourful and no-nonsense message that is inspired by the people of Warrington, the town’s heritage, it’s vision for the future and all the great things that are happening right now! We didn’t want to emulate what other cities and towns have done and thankfully Cunning Plan has managed to create a message that is both original and authentic, that proud Warringtonians can get behind.”
“Since working with the BID and via our research we have discovered what makes Warrington different and why people love it. It’s a vibrant, proud and city-minded town, with lots of positive changes taking place! It’s been a pleasure to work on a brand that perfectly communicates where the town is and where is wants to go.”
“...their understanding of the retail sector is second to none. “...their understanding of the retail sector is second to none. “...their understanding of the retail sector is second to none.
“The team at Cunning Plan is an extension of our internal marketing team. I completely trust them to deliver great results, be creative and help support the business. We have worked closely together for many years on a variety of projects – their understanding of the retail sector is second to none.
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